Thursday, January 25, 2018


Hello everyone!

I don't think I've written this year. Sorry about that.  I was going through medical issues (like that is anything different ha!), my meds had to be changed and I don't think the new meds are working after second switch.

Anyway, I've been wanting to do yoga for a while.  I did yoga many years ago but then I moved and couldn't find anything that fitted my budget, convenient time and close to my home.

At the beginning of the year I have been searching and I found one. It is about 24 miles in a little town called Breaux Bridge. The price I can handle and there was an 8:30 am session. I emailed the owner telling her my limitations and inquired if I should try the 8:30 am one which is called Slow Flow Yoga. In the description it says it is intermediate/advanced but beginners are welcome. They provided mats. At this point I'm just paying per session.

My sister and mother goes to yoga in my childhood home town and she said theirs were cheaper but others she talked to was like mine and varied. I looked at many yoga places and the prices are outrageous and the times sucked.

Today, I went to my first session. The instructor Raven was really nice. I giggled in my head when she said to wiggle my toes or roll my feet. It just won't happen. Some movements were hard to do
because of my pins in my legs and neck. Some I couldn't do but I just did the best I could.

Although I'm a little sore I feel better. She said the schedule changes monthly so that might be a problem for me but I'm optimistic. If I continue to go I will improve. Of course with my spasticity it may take a little longer but I will get better as I continue.

I have so much more to write about other things. I'm trying folks.

Until next time ponder this quote from the movie "Wonder", now my favorite movie of all time, because I relate to his experiences being "different' from others.

Who is it that I aspire to be? That is the question that we should be asking ourselves all the time. 
                                                                                                                       Mr. Browne


  1. I hope your class continues to work for you. Moving at whatever way works best for you always feels good. I have very elastic joints and I have learned from my sister, who is just like me, is that we have to be careful doing things like yoga because we can overextend and cause damage.

  2. Oh wow I am sorry to hear that. I'm completely opposite, except mine are muscles being spastic and I have arthritis of the spine so I'm trying to loosen the muscles and help with my breathing and movement. This afternoon I felt less tight. Thanks for dropping by


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