Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Baby GIrl

My Baby Girl Visited Today

I remember when she used to hate me calling her Baby Girl , Munchkin or all the cute names mothers call their children. From the time she was born until she was around 9 years old I would kiss her and hug her all I wanted and she loved it.

Then the pre-teens and teens came and she did not want me hugging, kissing or calling her cutsie names. I still did it but she would get mad and keep the hugs and kisses more to herself. She was so selfish then "SMILE". Imagine!. Her not wanting to give the one person who gave birth to her any kisses and hugs! It hurt my feelings. Everyone around us told me it was only a phase.

THANK GOD or WHOEVER, everyone was right!

She is now an 18 year old adult, college student. She just stands and lets me hug and kiss her all I want! And I do realize she is patient with me sometimes because when I get her in my arms I don't want to let go. I am grateful she gives me those moments. I need those moments more than she will ever know.

We sit on the floor like we used to and just talk or I spoil her more and rub her back. We actually have a conversation every time we see each other. Sometimes I just sit and listen to what she has to say. She is such an intuitive kind hearted soul.

When she leaves sometimes I'll sit and sigh. A happy sign. She will succeed in life. She will be happy. I love her with all my heart. She is still my Rock.

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