Monday, April 21, 2014

Awesome Easter Gift

I hope everyone had a joyous Easter for those who celebrate it.

MyHubbyMyLove and I don't have any set ritual for holidays like Easter, In the past I've bought him Easter Chocolate Easter Bunnies with a card and he has done the same for me. It is not every Easter. I remember one year, we just went to the store after and bought the good stuff that was on sale.

This year I didn't buy anything for him. It just did not cross my mind. My mind has been on my body, like that is anything different. But this pinched nerve, eczema and yeast infection distracted me.

However, MyHubby/MyLove gave me a card and some candy. It was so awesome.  I am not sure if you will be able to read it so I'll just type it. Here is ten reasons why I am better than a Chocolate Bunny according to Hubby's card

10. I have all the sweetness without all the calories.
09. I am a lot more fun to joke around with.
08. He can kiss me without looking silly.
07. I'm a better dancer. (YEA I actually can say I dance better than something LOL!)
06. I am not hollow.
05. No one is allergic to me.
04. My ears can be nibbled forever.
03. I can blink!
02. I am much easier to hug (and not nearly as sticky.)

And the #1 reason  I am better than a chocolate bunny is….

Aint that the truth!!!!  I'm one of a kind. He also gave me some milk chocolate ONE BILLION…yea that's right not one million…but ONE BILLION dollar candy bars

Did I hit the jackpot with this man or what? I thoroughly enjoyed my funny but thoughtful gift.

I treated him to a Picadilly Breakfast Buffet. If you have a Picadilly nearby, I highly recommend the Breakfast Buffet. 

We came home and relaxed for the rest of the day. But every time I looked or thought of my card, I smiled. Amazing how little things in life makes your heart sing.

How did you spend the Easter Holiday?

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you h ave a pretty good Easter, and I would love to go to a PIcadilly Breakfast Buffet! It sounds decadent.


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