Friday, December 27, 2019

Where I have been?

In September, I fell hard on concrete after missing a😧 step-down. It jolted my body landing mostly on my knee with my hands out.  My pinched nerve returned but all over. You never realize how many nerves you have until something happens. I am in pain mostly in the neck, back, leg, and heels. 

It's so weird, I can walk all day with no pain except for a twinge every now and then. However, at night, I lay down and the pain is excruciating in my leg and heels. I started using Salon Pas so I can get more sleep. Has anyone used this? Gee! When you take it off it is like ripping your skin off but I tolerate it because it helps. 

I also bought a "pregnant pillow"  to sleep on to stay off my back but it encloses me and it takes half the bed. It is comfy somewhat but it swallows me and the way I move it doesn't work as it should. I did make a review on Amazon and the company, QueenRose contacted me and they offered me a deal I couldn't refuse. So if you are pregnant or need a pillow such as this for other reasons check out QueenRose.

At first, I thought the leg pain was due to a partial blood clot but the doctor and I ruled it out by doing an ultrasound. By the way, the Acadiana Vascular Center is awesome. I highly recommend it if you are in these parts of my world.

To make a long story short, after going to Urgent care and doctors for three months and having MRIs of my whole spine, i.e lumbar, cervical, thoracic and brain.  The docs say the source of my pain is the bulging disc and my spinal stenosis. He said in a certain way that with all my physical problems I'm a complicated patient and it is hard to know what to treat. I totally understand. I get that  problem with myself many times.

I had a bone density test that continues to show osteoporosis of the spine and right hip which I go to the doctor every six months and get a Prolia injection. (That injection is EXPENSIVE.)

Doc said before we start talking surgery (I will not do back surgery until it is the very last resort) he recommended a Lumbar injection. This makes me anxious but I want this pain to go away. My first one is Jan 3. He said we may have to do 3 in intervals.

God blessed me. The doctor doesn't have the equipment so I have to go to an outpatient surgical center. I was browsing their website fretting over the expense. I just forked out $200+ on the Prolia shot and with the New Year coming, deductibles are coming plus 20% because I know it just won't be my deductible. However, there was a link to Financial Assistance. I had to fill out a form and bring in some income statements etc. I was hoping for them working with me in payments. When I brought the application and documents the lady said it may take up to 30 days. However, 3 days later the financial assistance, ironically with the same name as my sister's, called me and said my application approved and said my procedure would be 100% covered! I wouldn't have to pay any deductibles or co-pays. I thanked her profusely and told her she was an angel. So that bill I don't have to worry about.

The MRI of my brain was disappointing. I've always had this fascination with what the area of my brain looks like due to my Cerebral Palsy. It didn't show it. I asked my Neurologist why not. He had no idea either. The doc, his NP and I are stumped. What a bummer!

I've been using a cane. To put it simply: I hate it. Having CP, as mild as it is, gives me more attention than I'd like. Add a cane and it is worse.  Don't think I'm unaware than many people need an assistance device and I don't want to offend anyone. I just never had to have anything to assist me in walking or anything. Okay! I admit it is my pride, stubbornness and fearful my independence will be gone with assistant devices.

My ortho mentioned to also do PT since I live a pretty much sedentary lifestyle. My respiratory doctor wants me in a Respiratory rehab exercise program. They're going to have to discuss what is better for me because I am not doing two of them.

Moving on to happier things.

I started this blog a few months ago and just kept coming back. With my pain and other things happened, my concentration with blogging is even worse.

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. I love being with family. Christmas Eve, we went to my brother in law's and as always they never fail with their delicious Christmas dinner.  After a delicious seafood gumbo, for dessert hubby's nieces made Panna Cotta for dessert I never had. That was so good. For Christmas day I had ordered half a turkey roll from my favorite mom and pop store Russell's food center that I had to reheat. Hubby made his delicious mashed potatoes. I cooked (or heated) corn, broccoli, and rolls. My daughter, who unlike me, always loved to baked brought her delicious chocolate chip cookies. 

My daughter stayed a while longer and we went sit outside on the swing and just talked about anything and everything. I absolutely cherish and love these moments. She just makes my heart feel so much joy and love.

I hope everyone has a Safe, Blessed and Happy New Year.

My plan is to write at least once a month in 2020. If you get more, consider it a bonus😁. I do appreciate my followers here and on my Facebook blog page. I often see views on my facebook and I feel guilty but in order to write, I need to feel better.

If you'd like, share your Christmas day with us. What did you eat? Who did you spend time with?

Until next time...if you haven't seen Coat of Many Colors about Dolly Parton, I suggest you do. It'll make you cry, laugh and your heart feel with joy.



  1. You know, if it's not one thing, it's another. So sorry about about your fall, but maybe that got some tests done that got to some other problems that are being treated. Good luck with the exercise and/or physical therapy. They are hard to do, but in the long run they may help with the quality of your every day life the most. At least that's the way it works for many people.

    It sounds like some good times with family over Christmas especially having some quiet time with your daughter to just talk. Talking with kids is the best.

    Check in when you can, but take care of yourself first.

  2. HI, Thanks so much for dropping by and your support.

    Yea, its been one thing after another for all of my life. I sometimes ask God for just one month with no new medical problems. I guess he continues to let me be. I'm so tired of physical therapy. I would like the exercise thing and I do know I need to do some kind of exercise. You know how lose what you don't use well that's double for me since I have spasticitiy already. I've been trying yoga and a couple of programs for exercise but it is too advanced. I can't find anything around these parts to be at my level or really work with me, thus physical therapy.

    I enjoyed my whole day and my daughter stayed longer and we sat on the swing outside and talked for a couple of hours. I tell her she has no idea how much I appreciate her taking the time to spend some with me. Happy New Year!


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